Sunday, April 27, 2008

Getting To Your Ideal Body Fat

You know, I've tried to years to get to my ideal body fat percentage, BMI, weight for my height, etc. It's not just shoving back your chair from the table. It's not just eating less. It's not just cutting out carbs or whatever the latest fad is. It's hell.

Ok, perhaps for those that have lived through hell say that's a bit harsh. But is sure is difficult. Why else would so many try to lose weight but fail, and those that do lose fat end up gaining it all back? There's only a small percentage that lose fat and keep it off for more than 5 years.


It has all to do with the mind. That's right, your brain. Your thoughts. Your subconscious thoughts. Your beliefs that run your mind without you being aware of it.

There's not many weight loss programs or books that address this part of losing fat, but all body builder sites do! And of the weight loss books/programs and body building/body transformation books/sites out there have the highest percentage of people losing fat and keeping it off? The body builders!

Yes you're thinking that body builders don't need to lose fat, or they are just gung ho about working out and that's not fair to compare them to couch potatoes that don't want to change. Not so fast there Sparky. Did you know that there are quite a lot of body builders and fitness competitors that were over 50 pounds overweight and transformed their bodies to what they are today? Or over 100 pounds overweight and close to 50% body fat?

I'm not kidding. A lot of competitors were grossly overweight, obese in their previous life. But they decided to change and they chose the route that works, changing the mind and getting support. Don't believe me? Then look at this female body transformation of the week. She lost over 100 pounds and now competes in body building competitions.

There are many different types of body building competitions you can take part in. There's the competitions we all think of where men and women are so ripped they can't wear normal clothes. But there are other competitions you can aim for as a goal to get to your ideal body weight. There are fitness competitions, body transformations, body sculpting and more.

The goal of this mindset is to get physically healthy, and show it off. Be proud of your accomplishment because being physically healthy with ideal body weight puts you in the minority!

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